My mother-in law has moved up (a good thing) but that and some new friends in our life (ie change), a home visit preschool teacher, and a sudden dislike for ALL the OT things that were helping him has made Bear regress and even get worse than before (if that's possible!!!). He's not sleeping through the night again, fighting bedtime, tantrumming about leaving the house, saying to to everything and meaning it. He even fell asleep saying "NO" at the end of a tantrum the other night. Then he woke up later with a nightmare and fell back asleep chanting "NO". He's back to hour + tantrums on a daily basis and now he's starting to throw things and hit, but only mom and dad and only during tantrums.

Good news is we finally have the insurance to afford official OT and have a referral. Bad news, odds are they will have a wait list. Other good news is we have a referral to a child psychologist. Bad new is they DO have a 1-2 MONTH wait list.

The home visit preschool teacher has agreed there is no way we could place him in regular preschool at this point and the school district says there isn't enough wrong with him for them to help him, although if he goes to K like this I was told he'd get an IEP very quickly.

The worse he gets the more he fights the OT. The less OT we can do the worse he gets...

Any suggestions, support, commiseration?

Last edited by Wyldkat; 04/16/10 10:55 PM.