Interesting. DS4 has asthma, thankfully it has been much better lately. He has only had like 2-3 attacks per year (spring, late spring and fall). It was recommended that we use pulmicort through the nebulizer, but I swear he had behavior outbursts on this, so we switched it to flovent. He took it a few weeks ago for about 2 weeks and he was a more emotional that usual, but it seemed better than the pulmicort and it helped his asthma. The goal of using these it to avoid having to use prednisone (oral steroid). So although doctors tell us to keep using it for months at a time, we start giving him his flovent as soon as he starts to cough, we give it to him 2x daily until about a week after the coughing stops. If it starts back up, we will start the flovent up...but we haven't had to. Usually he will be good for several months and symptom free. We have told our doctors this and they said if it works then keep it up. He has seasonal allergies as well and have found nothing that really helps. They aren't severe though, and I don't feel like going through the test with all the pricks. I still remember how awful that was.

Sorry you are having such difficulty finding the right medicine. I don't think Flovent is perfect at all, but it has prevented prednisone which I feel is worse...and he doesn't have to take it forever so for now it is working.

And as for swimming strengthening lungs, I wish DS4 would do that. We just had to quit swimming lessons because he was SOOOO anxious about it it was pointless. Oh well, maybe next year.