Thank you all. I wish that "bouncy and talkative" was the case:(...he has been so easy to upset, very tired, and extremely cranky, very prone to quick fits (moody). And we have an extremely peaceful household, except for when we are purposefully crazy and silly. So, it's just not him. We can get him to calm down fairly quickly, but a new teacher probably wouldn't be able to. Snuggling has helped a lot; but we are about to try a new school, and are afraid that they will think that he is psychotic or something on the steroid and kick him out. Poor thing. Our allergist gave us three options, of which we tried them all. Singulair (oral)-quick mood swings, like now; Flovent(inhaler)-current "psychosis"; Pulmicort(nebulizer)-diarrhea. I had not heard of the ones suggested by fangcyn. I have to have another sit down with his allergist, I guess. He didn't tell me about the others. We had a recent trip to the hospital because DS's little heart was beating out of his chest the last time we used the albuterol, and he was panting still after 6 hours and a nap. They thought he may have asperated something, but an urgent care and a hospital visit, with 6 x-rays (and 3am) later, his lungs were pronounced ok. The doc gave us Xopenex as his rescue inhaler instead of albuterol to see if it would make a difference; but I don't know at this point if it is a contributing factor to his moodiness or not. Is that possible? He has been taking a steroid for the last 6 days (not today); and I know that it stays in the system for a while. He hates feeling this way. But the pollen is so bad right now that it's effecting my asthma as well; and my system is tough.

If any one has any descriptions or suggestoins of what their kids have experienced on certain steroid meds, or just allergy meds it would really help. Thank you!

Mom to DS6