Originally Posted by master of none
But we do our best to meet her intensity with some intensity. She seems to need a model of how to manage intense emotions.

So, although I agree it's good advice to remain calm and not react to an emotional or controlling outburst, I'd caution that if you have an intense child, it may be confusing and upsetting if there is NO reaction at all. Certainly don't want to be out of control, but can't be ultra controlled either.

I'd have to agree.

Mr W is very intense some times. He can be very demanding and when he takes it into the car seat, it can be very frustrating to have him back talking and screeching while you are trying to drive.

Last weekend he was just over the top and I pulled over, turned around and glared at him, told him that I expected better of him, he was not being fair to me, and that when we arrived, he would have my undivided attention.

It worked!!!! I saw a guilty look on his face for the next 10 minutes and he was quiet until we got to the bookstore.

IMHO there is an emotional component to communicating and that can resonate with him.