Well, dd is 29 months and *it* has arrived...yup the terrible two's are here. Oh my gosh, my child is completely different than she was just a short month ago. I hear "NO, I SAID RIGHT NOW!" at least 2 dozen times a day...and she yells it. Here's an example from today:

dd: "Mama, let's see if Toopy and Binoo are on tv."

me: "No, I think we have had enough tv for today. we'll watch more tomorrow, but let's go find something fun to play with now."

dd: "No, I want to watch tv...RIGHT NOW."

Me: "No, not right now. It is play time now."

dd: "NO, I said RIGHT NOW!"

I eventually distract her and we find something else that keeps her happy...but this is SO annoying to me. When and how did she become such a rude girl. dh and I don't speak like this...where did she learn it?

What we are struggling with, is how do we deal with this? Is she too young to be sent to her room? We tried this one day and it was a horrible day. Today we tried basically ignoring it and distracting her and it was a much better day, but I worry about spoiling her. We work so hard entertaining her...when is she going to start entertaining herself?

I don't know where I am going with this. I am just tired. Oh she has also decided she needs me in the middle of the night for extra cuddles. For the last 3 nights she has asked for cuddles (and once for popcorn?) at least 3 times during the night.

So lack of sleep on top of a rude, demanding, bossy (Daddy, put your guitar away now, it's not guitar time.) toddler is just not fun.

Thanks for listening...I don't think I'm going anywhere with this, just needed to vent!