I agree that sometimes you have to use different parenting styles with different kids. A one size fits all approach doesn't always work with kids. I think it is good for parents to be able to show that they are frustrated and that sometimes they need a time out (or time away) too. It also shows kids that it is okay for them to take a time away from a situation when they get frustrated. Good modeling. My DS4 was being quite obnoxious on Saturday, I really tried to work with him but finally I just said "listen, I love you lots...but when you whine and complain about everything it makes it not fun to be around you...I would love to spend time with you, but not when you are so miserable...so please leave the room and feel free to come back whenever you are ready to have a nice day together." I had ignored him for a while, and I had encouraged him to not whine so much...but it just wasn't working. And after I tried that it seemed to work. I also try teaching him to use his words and ask him about what is going on...but it's hard for kids to figure out sometimes.

I still don't find yelling appropriate or helpful, but some reaction to explain how you feel at times I think can be helpful if done in the right way. It teaches them empathy and how their behaviors effect other people. Sometimes parents can take the ignoring behavior to the extreme. There are times when you need to address the behavior and how you feel about the behavior.