Originally Posted by BWBShari
Many of the kids that I get in my home aren't sure how to react unless they are being yelled at. It takes some time to convince them that you can work things out without all the noise. We are big talkers, even with the littles.

That's great! I think that it is really hard for some people not to yell when that is what they know (both kids and adults). I know everyone's temperament is different, and I really feel for those who that really struggle with this. Discussions are much more productive when voices aren't raised. I am thankful I don't have this issue. Maybe it's partly the field I am in, how I was raised, or just my overall temperament. But yelling isn't an issue for me.

I find it interesting Shari that when you take a child out of a home where they have been yelled at constantly (or not even yelled at, but just constant yelling), and you put them in an environment where that doesn't happen...how hard and confusing that is for them. Often times these kids will try to start arguments just to feel more comfortable. It makes things seem more real and it's all they know. That is wonderful that you are able to not give in and teach them other ways.