Originally Posted by hkc75
This is so reassuring that others have little lawyers in their homes. I love it when the grandparents tell me that I let him "argue" way too much as if this is something I foster here at home. I have adopted the saying, "Now is not the time for an explanation. Remind me when we get home/later and I will explain it." Sometimes he forgets and I don't have to explain it. I use it very sparingly and it really has helped eliminate the bartering. I like to use the whole "trust-guilt" thing too. "You just need to trust me on this one."

**jotting this one down as well**

The "because I am the parent and I say so" doesn't work with DS5. Maybe this will. It's rare that we have issues, but when we do, they are HUGE, and he has to know the reason I have made the decision(s) I have.