BeckyC, we have a copy of "The Explosive Child" because our preschool counselor recommended it last year. I haven't read it yet, because once it came and I read some of the intro I wasn't sure it really fit our son. And it kind of scared me . . . but maybe we could find some tools that would work. Sounds like you all did!

Ditto all the above here. Our son is a little lawyer also and WILL NOT STOP! We took Love and Logic classes but it didn't work well for us. What has worked better is 1-2-3 Magic. If I get tired of the negotiating. I just say, "We're not talking about it anymore." If he keeps it up then I count 1-2-3 and he's off to his room. Sometimes I have to physically carry him there though b/c he's pitching a fit! I DO wonder what's going to happen when he gets older and bigger! Yikes!

He fortunately does not have meltdowns in public anymore. He just saves them for us at home! eek