We have just come home from dinner at a restaurant that took 45 minutes to get us our food! (we had our dd6 and dd1 with us). They were amazingly well behaved until the food came. Then dd6 spilt her apple sauce all over herself (don't ask how) and started crying about it. She tried really hard to control it and covered her mouth so she wouldn't be too loud and everything. Well, we made it through the meal, got them home and all _____ broke out. Now, I know that the wait was long and we'd reached melt down time but the show DD6 put on tonight almost seems to have become a habit, and I don't know who's going to loose it first - DH or me. mad
Those of you with OE emotional ones, how do you handle the hysterical crying and wailing and drama over the littlest things (like brushing teeth and hair) when the child is tired? We are ready to tear our own hair out and nothing seems to work to calm her down when she gets like this. In fact it's almost like trying to calm her down makes it worse.
Like many of you it does seem to be getting worse as she gets older.