Originally Posted by Kriston
But I get very cranky if debate is pressed on me after I've made the decision. My usual response: "I heard you. You had your chance to make your case. The decision has been made and discussion time is over." If he were to keep talking, there would be consequences....
But I don't decide first and then discuss. Not ever! That's problematic!

I totally agree. If I make a decision and it is clear, I don't change my mind about it because then he will argue about things all the time. I make it very clear to him that that is the decision and it will not change and if he continues on he needs to leave the room because I don't want to hear it. If he won't, I will leave the room. Usually he gets it because he knows I don't change my mind about things like that. If I haven't said no or yes yet, there is some room for negotiation. My DS4 can be dramatic as well at times. Oddly enough when he was littler he was much better. He was great until 3. In fact, at 2 he would put himself in time out all the time. It was quite strange. I wish it was still like that sometimes.