Originally Posted by Kriston
Yes, of course. But the point is that you don't need to be concerned at this level. It's fine. It's within normal range. I think that is worth noting for those who are thinking "Don't all kids add and subtract at 2yo.?"


LOL ... okay I don't think I am that bad with don't all kids add and subtract at 2 yrs. but I have to admit up to her reading words and adding and subtracting I really didn't see DD as abnormal just the milestones being off. It was when she started the reading and adding and subtracting that I finally accepted she is different. Everything else including amazing verbal I could justify. Of course she is able to speak that way ... I was the crazy mom who talked to her none stop, etc.

(Me, standing) Hi, I am a recovering GT denialist. I have been in the program for 5 months.