Oh the weird looks and I can't believe she followed directions. I remember I took my DD to an eye doctor back when she was around 9 mths old. The doctor was shocked at how well she followed instructions and how much information he could get from her eyes without dilating them. His comment was something along the lines of I have been doing this for many years and have never seen a baby that followed instructions and looked straight ahead when asked and not blink and ... it went on and on but he was shocked. So now at 28 mths she absolutely can follow directions but also hold a complete conversation about why she needs to do what is asked. So I would probably be the same way with why is that so abnormal for a two year old? Then, we have the typical two year old routine of dropping a block under her play table this morning and me directing her with where it is "The block is under the table." DD looking under the other table. Me."No, under your play table." DD going to the other end of the table to look under. Me. "No DD it is right behind you turn around look down...No turn around look at the window...no the window." As you can imagine that went on for a while and just reminding me she is still a two year old. So typical two year olds do not follow instructions. (And footnote... the kiddo has been sick so probably why instructions were in one ear out the other this morning.)But it is funny sad how I just expect that my instructions should be so easy to follow and here I am getting frustrated b/c she was not getting it. May be a sign that mommy expects too much.