I laughed when I saw this thread title!

We have dd2y8m at my sister's while I work, I had considered a couple of preschools but she is really well matched with her cousin (2.25) who is learning her numbers super fast and has a massive vocab.; my sister is teaching them their abc's, some light reading, taking them to library time, etc. wink
(It's the gt "preschool" .5 miles from my house, lol! seriously, we are very very lucky!!!!)

In regards to "can't most two year olds do this? "...
We just had dd in her first pre-dance class the other night!!
I am just so thrilled with being able to get her in; ds8 takes ballet at the same school, and dd has been Obsessed (yes with a capital O) with nutcracker, ballet, etc., for the last year or year and a half. The director of the academy suggested dd could start so we decided to give it a whirl.

I think her passion for ballet is not 'typical' for a 2 year old, but it's certainly not something you see on a milestone chart, e.g.: "Able to name the various parts of certain ballets " dd: "- ooh, this is where the toymakers come out", or "this is where the military doll comes out, I think." (while listening on the radio).
Dh was asking about a part of the Nutcracker, and we ended up asking dd what part it was, lol! Or, another good one for the charts: "can balance on tip-toe while pirouetting or perform most of the toymaker choreography or dances parts of carmen, or just free dances very expressively". At what age is that supposed to be 'normal'?
Ah well.

Anyway, she did well in class, there were only two other girls in the class ages 3 and 4, and she did better than both in finding her 'spot' when called back to attention, *not* sucking on her skirt, staring at the ceiling, etc. Her level of focus was pretty amazing, her ability to follow direction just as good if not better than the others, so we will continue with classes.

At her last dr's visit she was asked if she could pee in a cup, and at first she said no, but when she saw it was an official plastic wrapped cup with a green lid (!!), she was all about peeing in that thing. She watched the dr carefully when did the ph strip dip and they discussed which colors would be good to get. At first she was rooting for 'red', but then found out from him that red was not very good to have in this particular case! The dr think's she's a blast.