I try hard not to talk to other moms :-) We live in a very competitive area of town full of politicians, lawyers and such. I've been grilled by many a mom who wants to know what type of learning system/flashcards/tutoring program I used. My standard response is "I didn't do anything, he just came this way." Obviously, we all know that we *did* do something- be it reading to them, playing with them, buying them board games or whatever. But I didn't "make" him smart like this! When people have asked why he goes to private school, I tell them it works better with our work schedule. They usually give me a funny look since I'm primarily a stay-at-home mom... but they never ask!

One thing I will caution moms of younger kids on is the standard "yes he can read but he sucks at ____". I was so guilty of this early on! I'd say "Yes he speaks very well but you should see him run, he's so uncoordinated" or something similar. In my attempts to make him seem more normal, he overheard me once and I totally hurt his feelings. Since then, I've heard other moms say it in the compare our kids at the park game.

As for people asking questions of parents with kids on the other end of the spectrum, the answer is YES. People are nosy and rude all around. My best friend's daughter is autistic and people stop us in public all the time. Some are well-meaning and just weird about expressing their sympathy. Others want to know what therapy she uses. The worst are those who read one book somewhere on the topic and want to recommend she try Omega-3s or hyperbaric chambers or something.