I just ran into this for the first time this weekend at a b-day party. My DD5 was recently skipped to 1st grade. As soon as the kids were out of ear shot the questions started. So was DD bored in kindergarten? me - I think 1st grade is working well for her. You must of worked with her a lot at home? Me.. I just followed her lead on what she wanted to learn. (It's funny there's a girl in my daughters class that sings like an angel and I bet no one asked her mom if she worked with her a lot at home.)

The mom was nice I think I just didn't know what to say without getting into details of what my daughter can do. I didn't want to sound like I was bragging. I'm interested in any tips on what to say as well, I have a feeling I'm going to run into this some more.

Last edited by Skylersmommy; 02/02/09 02:40 PM.