Ugh, I dread this. I love talking with people, but hate that reaction. It's tough because with some people, the more you say the more you seem like you are bragging...and the less you say makes it seem like you don't relate to them and think your child is better. How do you win? I have found a few parents that have gifted children, and then I get all excited because there is another gifted kid in the I say a few things about my son and then they back off, and say something like "wow, well my son is not at all that advanced." Which will make me feel isolated yet again. So I am not quite sure what to say. I generally say a little thing and then wait for a reaction from them. Lately I have just been hearing what they say about their child and then I don't offer much, unless I think it is "safe." I hope to some day talk to a parent that says their child met milestones before mine did. Not sure if it will ever happen in real life but it would seriously be a dream come true. Then we could have a real conversation because I am not defensive at all. And then I could feel comfortable being open about what my son is doing and has been doing forever. And we could share the joy and heartaches of having a child that advanced.