LOL, sometimes I have said things like "he's a character" or "he's different" But then sometimes people look at me like I am putting my son down. Which is not at all my intent and then makes me feel bad because I am so proud of him. But it seems to work for me at times when I follow up. I think I start like that so it doesn't sound like I am bragging. Such as "well, he has very different interests then other kids his age." or "he isn't really interested in action figures, he is more into computers." But what I say the most (since I am social worker), is that while I am more socially driven...he is more academically driven. I just say that he loves to learn and is very interested in academic type pursuits. I often leave it at that, unless I feel that I should give more information. And that being said, I don't really bring it up...this is only if someone comes over to me and says something like "your son is reading!!" At least he is getting bigger so it is not as awkward when he reads.