I loved reading about your DD and ballet. Our DD (turned 29 mth today Yea!) loves ballet too. She has been taking a ballet/tap class since she turned two and is very much in love with it and has to act out certain steps for me as well as instruct me on what to do. We took our DD to the nutcracker over the holidays and she LOVED it. I had called the ballet to find out how old the child should be and they suggested no younger than 3 but that should also be able to sit through the show. And when I told the mothers of the other girls in class that I would be taking her they were shocked b/c they could never believe that a 2 year old would sit still through the show. We had a lot of older girls in our section and many were speaking loudly and not really focusing on the show. But our DD was entranced and when a section of the performance was finished she would let out her breath she had clearly been holding and start clapping with so much energy. Now if she hears the music she instantly knows it is the nutcracker...clearly NOT to the level your DD does. Very impressive indeed. Our ballet is suppose to be performing Cinderella during Mother's Day. I am really thinking about taking her to see it.