Thanks for all the suggestions. I, too, give in to the "just let me finish this level or it won't save" like Dazed&Confused. Similarly, the kids like to watch each other so it just increases the amount of time they both spend staring at the box. My biggest regret is the Star Wars game (or any game with a multitude of levels). DS was a delight with the Wii before that game. It was fun watching him play tennis, box, fish (Wii Play game), or both kids play Mario Cart. Once we bought that particular game (this would apply to any game with levels), all the fun the Wii gave us has disappeared. DS used to love regular Legos and other pursuits but will now just whine for the Wii (and that darned Star Wars game). I will try the poker chip approach, particularly since it gives them something "tangible." JBDad, are you sure you can't invent a timer for the Wii that shuts down in the alotted time or when the level is complete? That would be a major moneymaker. I also must state that DS was my honest kid who would set the timer on the computer and self-monitor his playing (B4Wii - before Wii). He would ask for additional time but overall, was well-behaved. Alas, that child is long gone... OTOH, he loved the Endless Ocean game and solved it quickly. It is truly a great educational game if you child has a Jacques Cousteau passion for the ocean. If you venture into purchasing Nintendo items, pls be cautious about the games you get and strict about the time limits. HTH and I'll quietly retreat from anymore Wii "advice."

Last edited by momx2; 12/07/08 08:30 AM.