Originally Posted by squirt
Okay, this is off topic, so let me know if you want me to start another thread if we're not done with Wii stuff. What can you all tell me about the Nintendo DS handheld? Can you buy educational games for it or is it all just junk? Pud wants a "modern video game system" but we're not yet ready to jump into a Wii or PSP or something. He has an old (from 1994, ancient, he says!) Super Nintendo.

Thoughts on the Nintendo DS? What are good games to go with it? Is it easy to use? Easy to buy games for? Pain in the neck?

Grandma got Ds7 this 2 years ago at the urgency of my sister in law. At first I was not to happy.... he plays it to death, but it's a great thing for him in that he has something to talk about with other kids. All the kids have these or have played them at some point. It has turned into a great ice breaker and topic for conversation for him. It makes him fit in.

The games are expensive for us.... but if you get them used they are cheap, plus they have things unlocked already, which is apparently a good thing?

there is a few brain games that are sort of fun. brain age and suduko.... a few others

Last edited by ienjoysoup; 12/04/08 10:58 AM. Reason: not are... or