DS7, DH and I are all just like that, Grin: obsessive about an interest for a while, then we get over it and move on to something else. DS4 is even a little like it lately. I'm the video game addict in our house. Can't get enough!

So yeah, I guess I don't worry too much about those intense interests...

We do have pretty strict computer limits. The kids have to earn computer points before they can "spend" them on game play. They earn points at the whim of their mercurial parents whenever they make our lives easier AND we feel like giving them out. This prevents the "But I was good, so I should get points" nonsense. Points are not payment for services rendered, they are a reward sometimes granted when the kids are easy to deal with. Psychologically, it's a more effective method of behavior modification. <evil grin>

When the points are gone, computer time is gone.

As a result, they aren't on much, and they tend to behave pretty well. <shrug> Maybe it will be different with a Wii, but I kind of doubt it. And I may well go much easier on the games that get them moving around when the weather is bad. I'm so sick of their wrestling and hurting one another, but I know they need to burn off some energy. If they obsess a bit about exercise...well, I'm really okay with that! wink
