Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Is it easy to download stuff to Wii?

I haven't done it but my DH has. I'm not sure which game he downloaded but he was excited that it only was $5 or something. I kind of tuned out but I can certainly ask him about the process. We bought the software for the internet for $5. Wikipedia looks pretty cool on the big screen!

As for the Wii itself, we have really enjoyed it as a family. I was skeptical too, and we didn't have any other games in the house (not even Leapsters or anything). It's been a great bonding experience for DH and DD6 as they figure out Lego Star Wars together. I like the balance board games. The hula hoop one actually works my abs! DH and I will play each other in tennis sometimes after the kids go to bed. I can't play real tennis at all so it's kind of fun to do it on the Wii. We don't have very many games, though, and we've only had it since the summer, so it's still pretty new. I can see us enjoying it for a long time, though.