Originally Posted by Kriston
We do have pretty strict computer limits. The kids have to earn computer points before they can "spend" them on game play. They earn points at the whim of their mercurial parents whenever they make our lives easier AND we feel like giving them out. This prevents the "But I was good, so I should get points" nonsense. Points are not payment for services rendered, they are a reward sometimes granted when the kids are easy to deal with. Psychologically, it's a more effective method of behavior modification. <evil grin>

We've borrowed this from Kriston for computer time. Works GREAT. In our house we have certain activities that will give a reward for and a certain randomness too to prevent "I-deserve-it-ness" that Kriston mentioned. And we never take chips away. However, you can't spend chips if you are on restriction. And you will be on restriction if you talk back! So don't try it in our house mad

I took some of my old poker chips and marked them with 1, 5, and 10 minute increments. Not only does it work well because there is a lot to be said for physically holding time chips. Something about handling them like money and not being able to cash them in if you loose them helps teach responsibility. DS also likes to change them so that he's always holding the least number of chips possible. Another teaching point there too.

Been meaning to thank you for this idea Kriston...