Thankfully, DS has always been drawn to the academic stuff schools will love. He was always fascinated with letters and numbers, etc. What I worry about sometimes is because I don't sit with him and correct his penmanship, that he will have a hard time changing it in a year when he gets to K because he has already been writing a couple years. He knows how to make all his uppercase and lowercase letters and can write neat if he feels like it, but often rushes through. And since he is 4 and I am not grading his papers I don't even bother with correcting him (other than commenting how it is pretty messy at times when it's really bad). He does love reading, and math, and can color in the lines (which I noticed for the first time a few weeks ago when I asked him and he showed me how good he could do). I had never noticed it because he never colors. I do answer questions when he asks...which sometimes causes me to have conversations like I did this morning at 7am about prime and composite numbers (before I even drank any coffee). But I don't think it's necessary for me to go above and beyond to teach him more because he already knows sooooo much and he has many more years to learn. kwim?