Originally Posted by shellymos
In a class with 25+ students and most likely one teacher, how much "differentiated instruction" can possibly be provided? We live in one of the worst possible states to live in for gifted education, and don't have money for private or montessori schools, and our home district is an average district with no gifted programming. And homeschooling isn't an option because I truly have to work to put food on the table. So what are the options here? I don't mean to sound like I am whining...but thought I would share and get some feedback to see if anyone else can relate to concerns about their child's education.

I haven't read the whole post yet, but remember that when school starts, so does "Mom's homework" - you must get him used to working at this 'readiness level' even for 5 minutes a night, 5 nights a week.

You can look into gradeskips, skipping k or 1st, depending of if K is 1/2 day or whole day.

Can you afford a tutor? Much cheaper than private school!

Now I'll post and read to see what was said....

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