Thanks, we may try that. Oddly enough some people have bought him workbooks for presents and he barely touches them. I will ask him if he wants to do them sometimes and he says "no thanks" But I am sure he would get into it. If he sees me looking at it or opening it then he wants to do it. We do go to a couple museums fairly often. they don't have tons of programs. He also can't sit through a movie for the life of him. He watches a few tv shows that he likes...but he can sit through about 45 minutes of a movie and then he is done and not interested in watching the rest. Although I wonder if we haven't tried the right movies. Disney seems uninteresting to him so far. No zoos around, but we have been before. I don't even think like that though. We just went and looked at animals. Not sure if I know the different groups, LOL