Good to see you- thanks for the rec to start reading over here. Everyone is very knowledgeable!

My entire family (including DH) is against DS going to 1st at all. This just came out this weekend at dinner. My parents still think that somehow, DS will lose out on playing sports in high school because he'll be smaller. I think they're nuts. According to our pediatrician, DS will be within 2 inches of 6 foot 5. He's already 2 inches taller than most of his class despite being one of the youngest. Plus his school has an everybody plays policy so it's just absurd.

DH doesn't want DS to be weird. He is also a PG adult who spent his entire elementary school life hiding. He sees DS as way more socially adept and therefore more "normal" than he was. He doesn't want to mess that up.

DS? He asked how much longer he has to be in the baby class before he can do real math with real numbers. Funny how they have a good sense of what they need even when they're young.

I'll let you all know on Monday what happens!