My approach (so far) has been to have DS do the easy "drudge" work such as coloring pages or math facts. I point out to him that he can practice writing his numbers neatly or get creative with the coloring. If he complains that his hand is tired I tell him that's good, it means that your writing muscles are getting stronger. If he complains that something is too easy, I tell him to see how quickly he can finish it. If he says it's too hard then I tell him it means he needs more practice. I really don't tolerate complaints of any type about homework. I want to teach my kids that in order to succeed, they need to do their assigned work and turn it in on time. I tell them that homework is their chance to "show what you know." Maybe they already know how to do something, but they need to show the teacher their mastery.

I think this approach really paid off. The fact that DS had done and turned in on time every scrap of homework ever assigned to him in Kindergarten was greatly in his favor in the eyes of the school.