Originally Posted by Kriston
Agreed. I just don't happen to believe that giving them boring schoolwork is the place to give them things that are not necessarily pleasing to them.

Treating learning as a chore to be gotten through is harmful, in my opinion.

Keeping in mind, of course, that I'm dealing with a 7yo. My attitude might be different with an older child who would just prefer to play video games or go to the mall or something than to do anything even remotely work-related. As I said, I suspect much of where people stand on this debate has to do with the age of the child in question...

This could be why I strongly advise a child should do the drudgery work given them, while you are advocating to get level appropriate work. GS was 5.5 when we got custody and had to learn to respect those in authority. He had good reason not to respect those in authority up to that point, but that's another subject. Part of learning respect was to do the tasks assigned to him, then receive an appropriate reward as he learned to internalize feelings of self-pride and accomplishment.
I didn't want to offend anyone with my views, but wanted to make a point that often there is value in doing those boring, repetitious tasks.