Hi there,

You're right, it's totally inappropriate.

The school took an absolutist position with our son. They told us that he MUST do the work, end of discussion. Their rationale was that "everyone has to do things they don't want to do and he has to learn this lesson." I countered that this approach is effective for cleaning your room and washing the dishes, but it doesn't work at school. I explained that his mind wasn't being challenged by 6+6 and that he was at risk for not developing problem-solving skills and study skills. No response.

No one disagreed that he'd mastered the work, but it took nearly the whole school year for them to even begin to realize how far below his level 6+6 was. Even after they offered a grade skip, he still had to finish 2nd grade work before he could do the 3rd grade books they gave him (which were all easy for him).

By October, we stopped caring and went into hyperdrive to find a new school for the next academic year.

If you're stuck with this school, maybe at least knowing what they said to us will help you respond if/when they say it to you.


Last edited by Val; 08/27/08 07:25 PM.