Originally Posted by Kriston
I started there, OHG. We all have to do things that aren't fun and life's not a party. Agreed.

But killing a young child's love of math seems like a dumb way to teach that lesson, and I'm not really sure it's a lesson that a child needs to learn about education. I think work and education are two different things, and the rules are different. Often people treat school as a child's job, but I think learning is a child's job, and real learning just isn't mindless drudgery for any child, especially not for GT kids. If you turn school into mindless drudgery, you're doing it wrong, and it means the kids aren't learning. Then why are they there?

I prefer for my child to learn that life isn't always a party when cleaning his room, washing the dishes, and all those other mindless chores that really are work, and not education.

My $.02...

Kriston, you said that beautifully.

Someone on this list recently said that if our kids aren't learning at school, the schools aren't doing their jobs, and this was also very well put.

I agree that everyone needs to learn to slog through drudgery, but I also think that the best place to start learning is by doing something that, when completed, benefits you: "Ahh, the dishes are clean. Now they aren't smelly anymore." I don't see value in pointless drudgery at a young age.
