Originally Posted by Kriston
Under the circumstances, I completely agree that for your GS, doing the work assigned was important. I think there was a very specific, larger goal that you were trying to accomplish, and it was a vital goal for your GS's future success. Respecting authority is important and necessary, and if doing the drudge work while you advocated for more was helpful, then I'm all for it. You know your child, and every child is different.

For my situation, my child had always respected authority, but the drudge work was making him LOSE that respect. Not to mention making him think of himself as superior to others in very negative ways and at the same time, making him feel like he was a bad kid because he kept getting into trouble. It was NOT a positive experience for him, and letting it go on was not going to teach him any lessons that he needed to learn at the time.

I think that explains both ways well. And also points out how Ania's advice to back away from the forum for 48 hours can be very useful. Advice & alternative viewpoints can be wonderful, but when it comes down to decisions about our own kids we know our goals and how to achieve them has to be tailored to our kids personalities.
Good luck 'neato.

Last edited by OHGrandma; 08/28/08 07:15 AM.