Received optometrist's report and had in-person meeting.

Report is kind of unclear but main diagnoses seem to be (1) convergence excess and (2) oculomotor (tracking) dysfunction. However, I think the second may be without foundation in the testing - seems to be based on a typo or something in the entry of the data re the Developmental Eye Movement test (i.e., there's an extreme inconsistency between the optometrist's report and the DEM test report I was given - two important numbers are reversed which it appears should definitely change the diagnosis, per the DEM manufacturer's instructions).

(She also has mild far-sightedness, apparently accommodated and on range of +1.5 and +1.25.)

Has anyone ever had a kid treated for convergence excess, with vision therapy or glasses?

Apparently the optometrist thinks she will need glasses eventually, but said that they weren't working well right now, during a fairly short appointment, and it would be something to work up to.