Thanks guys. I've been reading these and will follow up with more details/responses soon.

The one thing that strikes me is that it is true that a big part of my feelings about this - why I'm even considering dyslexia or something similar, and to some degree why I'm thinking about visual problems, is simply the psychologist's testing results. Yes, there are IRL things, but I have only 2 kids, so not a huge knowledge base on what's typical (for things like making some mistakes in reading orally), and as we've discussed, there are many reasons why the testing could have come out the way it did. To the extent that this is about the PSI, I kind of wish I could just go back, have her take the tests again (practice effects wouldn't be that big after more than a year, right), and just tell her to try to go faster - she didn't make any errors on the subtests, according to the psychologist. If that happened, and her PSI was more in the range of DD#1's (I think that was in the 120s), then I probably wouldn't even be concerned. It bothers me that so much work, second-guessing, stress can be based on just a couple of minutes of testing.