Originally Posted by Val
Ick. Personally, I prefer the kind of system where everyone takes ONE exam which is the SAME exam administered at the SAME TIME and university admissions are driven by points on said exam. Prince William had to get enough points on his A-levels to get into his desired program at St. Andrews, and that was that.
But there are disadvantages to that one test system as well. Countries like Korea that use that system have even higher levels of teenager suicide than the US. The stress put on testing for that one test becomes the most important thing for most teenagers. And when they fail their one chance? And doing well on one test isn't really a good indicator for how well a student will do in college. And what to those kids who are diligent, but don't do so well on standardized tests? (I have one of those who only has one more semester of college.)

The A level's aren't exactly the same as ONE test taken at ONE time. You do get to specialize in subjects, and while they are only given once a year you can re-take them the next year. They are more like HUGE final exams more than college admissions tests.

I do realize the US System needs a better system. But I don't think making college based on one test a good one.