Our district is nowhere near this toxic, but I think it could be headed in a similar direction. Just a few comments-

Regarding the "right to squeak"- our district has something similar, and it stinks. The string program is very competitive, with lots of kids who begin in private lessons before the school program starts. For the first year of the program, the concerts are organized so that only the kids who have mastered pieces play; if a student has not yet gotten that far in their ability, they sit down for that piece(s) during the concert. My kids progressed quickly on the program despite not beginning early and thus played all the pieces in concerts, but we're so uncomfortable and distressed with the public demonstration of different ability that they both switched to the band program In 5th grade, when it begins. They were frustrated at times with the low general level of music, but everyone played- much better system (both auditioned and all-comers ensembles are the norm in high school.)

Regarding summer AP work, ii agree it is awful. In my DDs AP world class, she had to take detailed notes on several chapters, to be handed in, write a couple papers and answer a long list of short-answer essay type questions over the summer. After they were handed in, the teacher informed them that because she has 75 students taking the class, she would only grade a couple of pre-determined questions, the rest were "for their own benefit." Never mind that none of that busy work is how my DD would approach the material.

But it is in no way related to a kid's ability to be successful in the class. In our district, the AP classes frequently assign summer work because they cannot get through the curriculum in the time allotted- our district often begins school in the second week in Sept, and the AP exams dates are the same for everyone, in May (which means there are usually 6 weeks of school left after the exam, which can be good or a complete waste, depending on the teacher.)

It's quite a ridiculous system but at least here, it is the best option available (the honors level is so low it is a joke, and the levels below that are not worth mentioning.) My DD detests it, and frequently speaks about dropping to honors level, but the (lack of) peer group would make her even more miserable.

Last edited by cricket3; 01/04/16 09:47 AM.