Is the IEP a draft IEP or an IEP you've already signed off on? Also curious re what is included in the goals section? Not the actual details, but what areas do the goals address? Do the goals seem reasonable to you?

I also went back and read your testing thread - you were considering continuing homeschooling at that time - are you still considering it? I sometimes found (in early elementary) that it was so easy to get lost in the "battle" over trying to get appropriate accommodations/etc in place at school that I lost sight of priority of goals for life-functioning for my child. When I stepped back and refocused my efforts at making a plan that addressed what are the challenges for life (not just school), what is the priority in terms of which need to be addressed first, and then how can they be addressed in a way that yields the most benefit long-term (i.e. leads to independence)... then it was easier to go back to school and advocate. Not sure I'm explaining that very well! I also don't mean to imply you're not already doing that - just recalling how very difficult and complicated things can get when trying to advocate with school.

Do you have a local advocate who can advise you re your specific school district and school?

Best wishes,
