Interesting article, I wish it would've linked to the studies as reading the article may have raised more questions in my mind than it answered. Some may say it had a bit of a time warp or suffered from chicken-or-egg syndrome, for in one line we read that a US university created billionaires, immediately followed by a sentence that a large number of foreign billionaires attended US universities. That, plus the title, "Where do billionaires go to university?" raise the question - Did these families already have billions, prior to sending their offspring to US colleges?
Originally Posted by article
But the dominance of the US universities is not simply about the US producing more billionaires. More than a quarter of the billionaires who attended US universities to take undergraduate degrees were from other countries.

Another interesting note about the timing and applicability of the studies, to providing current advice regarding choice of college:
Originally Posted by article
There could also be something of a time-lag, because the average age of this group is 63, attending the university systems of four decades ago.

Because they largely made their money in finance, possibly they were recipients of interest on loans.