Good job for Magnus AND his parents. He is definitely not underachieving.

It takes some pretty good English and Science skills to rack up a 5 on AP Calculus.

With parents like those, Magnus is getting a very SOLID foundation in math and it shows. They know what it takes to get from point A to B and have obviously enjoyed the ride getting there!!

Kriston, I agree somewhat. I knew some specially trained prodigies from E Europe who went to special schools, etc and were very good on the first day in college, but many of us caught up with or passed them by the end of the semester once we were exposed to the same level of material, instruction and competition.

BUT, even with what I got from PS, I definitely was ready for Algebra in the 4th grade and could have gone into Calculus by the 6th grade. The discipline of slogging through the problems would have also served me well.