Not to derail, or anything, but isn't that a bit like being proud of your child's blue eyes?

I mean, there's a reason why it's not something to discuss in polite company, I'm thinking-- if I were to announce that I'm "proud" of my DD's cognitive potential (blue eyes), should my (very) good friends whose child has trisomy (brown eyes) be "ashamed" of theirs?

I'm sort of thinking not. It's nothing that any of us did, after all. It's a genetic hand we were dealt, more or less.

I'm also really leery of giving DD the notion that she is entitled to anything as a result, or that her innate inborn potential is anything which reflects upon her worth in any way. Better to have her efforts do so.

Hope that doesn't come across as snarky. I'm just noting that this is the kind of thing that strikes a lot of parents of normative NT kids as "elitist" or something worse.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.