Originally Posted by ElizabethN
Originally Posted by stemfun
Based on this research one will expect that most highly gifted children will not demonstrate high EF before the age on 11 or 12 and that most kids with high EF before this age will not be highly gifted kids. I wonder if that is the experience of most parents on this board?

Well, my DYS daughter just turned 11, and she has made huge leaps in the quality of her executive function in the last few months. So that's consistent, at least.

I agree.

We despaired of our 16yo DD ever being able to survive in a college setting back when she was 8 or 9. It was really striking that her EF wasn't as good even as some of her agemates.

Now, it's as good as (and in some regards much better) than her academic peers who are 3-8y older.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.