Originally Posted by suevv
I have been clinging to that cortex thickness study like a lifeline for 4 years. We've tried everything, and keep on trying. Truly, though, nothing has materially helped DS7.5 with his executive function, particularly in moments when he needs it most. But in the past 6 months, I begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping that in 12-18 months, we look back and say "phew" - at least a little - rather than saying - "oh, that light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train" wink.

I've been clinging to it too wink I am hoping that they'd have better EF by middle school, but also plan to scaffold the skills they'd need for middle school at home with them before they have to use them on their own then. Things can really fall apart for a child in middle school if their EF is lacking.

My DS9 can be aptly described as the absent minded professor. He'd wear his shirts inside out, red socks on one foot and green socks on the other foot if I'd let him. He always tries to multitask while getting dressed as if getting dressed is too mundane a task to devote any attention to. He is always more interested in what ever he is imagining, reading or talking about than these basic tasks. He doesn't like to be late though, which I think will help him stay on task as he gets older.

While my other DS will never put on his shirt inside out like his brother, he has absolutely no inner sense of time. The time on the clock and the words "hurry up" don't mean much to him either. He simply takes his merry time and doesn't mind getting to places just in time (in some situations he doesn't mind being later either). I am hoping that this will change as he matures, but also considering buying one of the time trackers for kids sold on Amazon to help him have more awareness of time.

Last edited by stemfun; 04/29/15 06:31 AM. Reason: correct a typo