Well, Thank you for your amazing insight. I am still getting my head around this. On one hand, I am so thankful to the school for identifying her as both gifted and LD. I know that not all schools consider the gifted part. I am so thankful that they are including her in the gifted programing. On the other hand, I feel like the term "specific learning disability" might not be specific enough. They are allowing for more time, allowing and encouraging her to use type her assignments and pulling her out for direct instruction in writing and math. I really think I aught to be thrilled! But they have not addressed her reversals or her left/right confusion. I did 2 level of All About Spelling with her last year when I homeschooled. Maybe I will just be happy about what they have offered, not ask for more dyslexic specific testing and work on the third All About Spelling book with her during the summer. The school really does seem to be doing their part. I do suspect the classroom teacher has more information than she is sharing. She is very factual and wont talk much. I think she probably things dyslexia and can't say. I'm sure she has seen it before. In fact, this teacher is the former gifted teacher. Earlier in the year, she told me that the program wasn't that great in elementary school. But to make sure we get her in by middle school. Again, thank you so much for th information. I guess I am still thinking..