amielynn38, my DD who is very social goes to an outdoor program that is non-academic and multi-age. So you'd think it'd work out well but we still had to make adjustments to meet her needs. Right now, teacher and I are trying to work together to make major adjustments. After 8 months, DD basically has had it with outdoor free play and wants to learn academics. According to her, she's just too old to be playing all day long and toys are apparently only for young children who do not have more productive things to do with their time.

So, please do not feel that you made a bad educational decision for your DS by enrolling him in a preschool. FWIW, the first program we gave a go was a horrible fit for DD and I thought it caused a lot of harm but DD doesn't seem to be scarred by the experience. If anything, she seems to miss some aspects of that school. Preschools is hard for precocious little ones especially if they don't have the temperament to go with the flow.

Homeschooling sounds like it's off to a great start. Please keep us updated.