Originally Posted by bluemagic
My question would be why does he feel that others should 'fix' all his problems and why does he equate that with not feeling heard? I know he is still a kid but your son is old enough to take ownership of his dislike of school and to learn that mom & dad can't fix everything.

I'd make a distinction on a case-by-case basis between things that need to be put up with, and things that should be changed.

A child in public school is entitled to an "appropriate" education. Now, the tricky thing is getting to agreement on "appropriate"-- but if the child is not being educated reasonably close to his level, that IS a concern, and IMO should be addressed by the adults, in consultation with the child.

If the child is unhappy because he doesn't feel like doing school and would rather play video games, well, that's a "suck it up" situation. Very different story.