Originally Posted by blackcat
I told everyone at DS7's IEP meeting that he says he doesn't like school and no one seemed that concerned. One person said it sounds like a typical boy thing. I said "maybe, but if I pulled him out right now and said 'we're done with this school' he would happily pack up his stuff and never look back."

DH and I have surmised the reason for a deadpan response when this sort of thing is mentioned is because they would actually have to do something about it if it's acknowledged in any way that there's a problem. We're discovering they like to turn the tables and blame the parent or child.

Originally Posted by blackcat
...is looking into pulling him out for math and having him work at his own pace in her room. He already tested/passed out of second grade math so no one can really put up a big fight about it.

He's going to be happy about that! What a good solution.