I can relate to the straight A's comments. The teachers simply do not see the problem when the grades are stellar. This is when I offer to do the work for them to provide differenciated work in order to show that my child needs to learn to work hard, not just get good grades. (I have only had varying success...)

However, I have had significant success with describing what makes DC happy or not with school work. Especially with lower elementary school teachers, I have found they really respond to problems with a child avoiding going to school, etc.

However, you might approach it another way, such as...
DC was so happy when you sent home such and so super hard word problems and was joyful while continuing the activity even after they got home.

Showing a positive experience with work that you know is at an appropriate level might help the teacher see the light, so to speak.

Good luck! Hang in there! It can be so draining have to advocate all the time.