It's not too late for intervention! We started DS with Wilson remediation just before he turned 9 and so thankful we did!! He ended 2nd grade without the ability to decode a four letter word but if you stopped reading Harry Potter mid-chapter his intensity to continue would allow him to struggle through a couple pages using his great problem solving ability to figure out what was was just exhausting. He flew through the Wilson curriculum and is now finishing book 5 and reading above grade level in 4th. His fluency scores are low, he's not very fast reading aloud, but his comprehension is excellent which is what matters. His grades have improved dramatically and his anxiety and behavior issues have subsided. He even signed up for Reading Olympics this year, participating mostly via Audible/CD. Sadly, to this day he doesn't have an IEP or accommodations (only a GIEP for strengths). We have found the school staff to be poorly informed and actually spiteful and disapproving of our outside intervention. Embrace the support you get and supplement with experts, it's well worth the cost! Good luck!!