Originally Posted by Pemberley
Good job MichelleC - so much progress since your last post! Way to rock it out mom!

I have to say that I do see red flags with the approach of staying put, doing outside supports and hoping for the best.

Thanks Pemberly, for both the cheer and the cautions. I'm trying to walk that tightrope between being realistic, and not inventing problems that haven't happened yet. I'm still swinging wildly from side to side, but you are a big help in trying to find the balance points. I feel like I am getting closer. And that I am starting to have more of the information I need to make decent decisions.

I still find it amazing that if 10% or 20% of kids have LDs - with dyslexia perhaps in 10% of all the kids out there - that there is so little real evidence about interventions of any kind, once you move beyond the OG-type reading remediation.

You also remind me that DD's teacher scored her very high on anxiety last year, and we need to keep that up front in our minds. (fortunately, no one is trying to take scores on me these days... crazy )